Sunday 6 May 2007

First 24 Hours with the Kohjinsha SA1F00V

I've now had my Kohjinsha SA1F00V for 24hrs and so far I am pleased with it. With its improved keyboard and touch screen this is definitely the best Kohjinsha yet. If you are thinking about buying one of these, then the new model is the one to go for, however if you already have one of the previous models then the upgrade will probably be hard to justify, unless you need the touch screen or want the improved keyboard. Like all previous models there is always something negative to say about the Kohjinha range, and this time it is the lack of touch screen software, although the use of ritePen overcomes this issue.

Over the next 24hrs I will be loading XP Tablet to the Kohjinsha to see how well it performs, so stay tunes for the results.


robwestcott said...

on the road, i currently use a fujitsu 7010d - 10.1 inch screen - but have been looking for something smaller. have been interested in the kojinsha since running across it a couple months ago at umpc portal blog.

however, i'm now finding myself wondering why i shouldnt just cough up a couple hundred more dollars than what i'm going to pay for the new kojinsha+ritepen+xp tablet and go for the fujitsu P1610 instead (just 1600 at for the 60GB model).

small screen size being the priority here - aside from have a slightly larger screen (8.9 inch i think) than the kojinsha it looks to me to be a far superior machine to the kojinsha ?

am i missing something here ?

snave said...

robwestcott, what i like about the Kohji is it's lightweight, compact and gives about 5hrs on battery. Like all devices some people will like the Kohji, and some people will not. The Kohjinsha with XP Home and ritePen will give you a Tablet XP experience (well sort of). What you have to remember is that if you are from the US, then you are paying way over the odds for the touch screen Kohji. I paid ¥107,640 JPY excluding shipping or UK import VAT, but that worked out at £461.62 GBP, or $896.963 USD, a lot less than some US importers are charging.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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