I'm not sure why, but Kohjinsha have delayed the release of the SA1F00V and SA1F00W until the 5th May. The original release date was the 28th April, which was when all orders were to be shipped, but some unknown reason it has put back a week.
I'm not sure if they have improved the keyboard, or are just having the same poor keyboard, but in US. I do hope to get one of the touchscreen models in the next week or two, and will write a mini review, so keep watching.
My touchscreen shipped from conics today. Also, from reading one of the blogs linked at the bottom of this page: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://pc.usy.jp/wiki/74.html&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result
It seems there may be some improvements to the keyboard.
My touchscreen shipped from conics today. Also, from reading one of the blogs linked at the bottom of this page: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl =en&sl=ja&u=http://pc.usy.jp/wiki/74.html &sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result
It seems there may be some improvements to the keyboard.
Sorry, in hindsight that was not very helpful, but I can't bring myself to trawl through the blogs to find the reference I was talking about.
It wasn't exactly 100% clear either, what with googles valiant but doomed translation attempts. The upshot of it seemed to be a japanese blogger saying there was an improvement in the 2nd gen variant e.g. the new white / black non touchscreen models.
Anyway I will let you know my experience when it arrives. I promise :)
Snave, what would I be able to do with the SAF00V, W. Asked Dynamism about touch-screen functionality provided by Windows XP & told very limited--at least with respect to handwriting recognition. "Likely limited to moving windows around."
Do you all know more? Doesn't seem like it's a benefit worth $200. Thnks, must hurry terminal here timing out. Richard
Richard, I plan to load XP Tablet to my unit when it arrives, but before that I will test out the usability of the touch screen with various software input solutions, like ritePen and Dialkeys.
do you know if the keyboard has been updated or not ? from previous reviews of this machine, i understand that th ekeyboard is the main gripe...
I'm not sure if they have improved the keyboard, or are just having the same poor keyboard, but in US. I do hope to get one of the touchscreen models in the next week or two, and will write a mini review, so keep watching.
My touchscreen shipped from conics today. Also, from reading one of the blogs linked at the bottom of this page: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://pc.usy.jp/wiki/74.html&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result
It seems there may be some improvements to the keyboard.
My touchscreen shipped from conics today. Also, from reading one of the blogs linked at the bottom of this page: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl
It seems there may be some improvements to the keyboard.
It seems there may be some improvements to the keyboard.
are you referring to the entry:
"Striking the keyboard it leaks and does not become somehow? †
Reference ->. /Keyboard improvement" ?
hmmm... so, they improved the "leaking" ?
ok, now i'm sold.
Yeah, for sure, thats the one. I was worried about the leaking, but am mucho reassured now ;)
Sorry, in hindsight that was not very helpful, but I can't bring myself to trawl through the blogs to find the reference I was talking about.
It wasn't exactly 100% clear either, what with googles valiant but doomed translation attempts. The upshot of it seemed to be a japanese blogger saying there was an improvement in the 2nd gen variant e.g. the new white / black non touchscreen models.
Anyway I will let you know my experience when it arrives. I promise :)
conor, robwestcott
I have not had any confirmation about the keyboard, but I will let you know if it is better or not very soon :)
Snave, what would I be able to do with the SAF00V, W. Asked Dynamism about touch-screen functionality provided by Windows XP & told very limited--at least with respect to handwriting recognition. "Likely limited to moving windows around."
Do you all know more? Doesn't seem like it's a benefit worth $200. Thnks, must hurry terminal here timing out. Richard
Richard, I plan to load XP Tablet to my unit when it arrives, but before that I will test out the usability of the touch screen with various software input solutions, like ritePen and Dialkeys.
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