Model: SH6KB04A
CPU: 800MHz Intel
RAM: 512MB (upgradeable to 1GB)
Screen: 800 x 480 7" Touch Screen
OS: Microsoft Vista Home Basic
Keyboard: Japanese
Other: Built-in Webcam, USB Ports, WiFi, Bluetooth, NIC, VGA Out and SD
The above information will be updated as soon as I recieve the official press release, but this new device looks to be a winner, and if the expected price of $799 USD is correct, and if this model has the correct FCC and CE certification, then this could put Kohjinsha firmly in the global UMPC market place.
Snave, is this true? the SH6KBO4A will come in $200 below current Dynamism price for SA1. I can't remember the Japanese vendor, but when I used to compare his quoted Yen price to Dynamism, Dynamism was slightly favorable.
Chippy, I think, referenced the price in Japan at $750 for SA1 months back. I just don't see how the U.S. dealers will give up that 33% margin.
OTOH, Do you think if I get myself to Ginza I'll find an SH6KB04A for Y98,988?
richard, my Japanese source tells me the new model will be Y98,988, so if you are going to Japan you can bag yourself a bargain. It is unlikely Dynamism will offer it this cheap, but if you look to Japan, then you will find the bargain price.
snave, i go to Narita on biz every month but, have little time to visit Ginza. If you know a place that sells SH5KBO4a, please update here. thanks, askcarl
Snave, I might go--ANA has $988 "Eco" fare from DC. In the meantime, how can Asus possibly hit $200 retail for it's Eee PC? There's a nice slide show at picturing very happy users, lying on beach, etc.
Snave, SH6's have arrived at Dynamism. There's basic with 512 RAM, 40 GB HDD & an up-model with 1GB RAM, 100 GB HDD. Both running Vista Home Basic. Priced respectively at $1199 & $1399.
Wish Dynamism did trial rentals like once did. Interesting splash screen at myflybook website.
Richard has the SH6, as well, and a bit below Dynamism prices. I've never bought via Conics, however, so cannot attest to service.
Well, I ordered the SH6 from Conics and it's on its way now....should be here in about 2-3 days... ;-)
Have used Conics for several years and always great service. Highly recommend them.
Have bought quite a few items including several Zauruses, Sony Vaio U101, IBM PC110, and other accessory items.
I bought mine after review your site, thank you for your BLOG, and thank you for the shop who delivered my kohjinsha in 4 days from
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